浪费 & 环境澳博官方网站
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With our resource-not-waste philosophy, we’re not driven to empty more bins or dispose of more waste. 我们想在它产生之前就消灭它. With Mitie, you can 减少 waste creation, 减少 carbon emissions, and 减少 costs.
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Read our digital portfolio to discover how Mitie can support you in preventing waste creation, cutting costs and reducing your carbon footprint through better waste management.
We were tasked with maximising the number of resources that could be extracted from a medical organisation’s waste streams, 确保零废物填埋.
We helped them 减少 their carbon impact by cutting the amount of waste destined for landfill, 而是从废物中产生能量. We developed a long-term strategy to extract reusable materials from waste streams and use them for new products.
The organisation has now achieved ‘zero to landfill’ accreditation that has been independently verified. Their on-site recycling rate now averages 41% and total recycling is 85%.
Regular deliveries of ten tonnes of bananas were arriving at a supermarket distribution centre in crates. 把农产品送到超市, 然后把空托盘送回仓库, 运输包装是否造成了大量的浪费.
超市受够了这种浪费,所以向我们求助. 我们制作了一个可回收的箱子,以便香蕉运输. This could be placed straight on the shelf in-store, and then returned for cleaning and re-use. 由于我们的解决方案,运输包装被淘汰了.
机场认为有太多的垃圾被扔进了地面. With over 18 million passengers each year, it’s little surprise that waste levels were soaring. We committed to help the airport achieve optimal waste practices on-site, 包括引入回收利用的做法, 以实现零废物填埋为目标.
我们分析了现场的废物数据,并提出了改进建议. We sourced local service suppliers to 减少 vehicle movements – and therefore carbon emissions. 我们将大多数可回收材料堆积起来,以实现最大的收入.
我们的制造业客户混合干混合香料, 哪些是用作家庭和商业用途的调味料. 传统上, any food waste material was collected and placed into the general waste stream, 哪些被送到垃圾填埋场. 然而, our client enforced a zero landfill policy and subscribes to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Our solution included placing Dolav boxes next to the general waste bins to segregate food material at source for it to be processed separately. 然后, 我们确定了厌氧消化路线, 细菌在没有氧气的情况下分解食物垃圾, 将废物100%转移至堆填区.
在第一年, 我们从垃圾填埋场转移了481吨食物, 节省3,292吨二氧化碳,为客户减少了超过19英镑的成本,000.
We begin at the end, seeing an opportunity to eliminate waste before it’s even created. 分析废物处理过程,提供切实可行的见解. 这是否是有害废物, 临床废物, 办公室垃圾或者介于两者之间的任何东西, we deliver innovations such as sensors and mini recycling facilities to help you minimise waste and maximise impact.
It’s time to focus on the first steps in the waste hierarchy; 减少 and reuse. We know that understanding why you’re generating waste makes it easier to see what you can do about it, 并最终支持你的减废目标. Everything we do follows the waste hierarchy of 减少, reuse, recycle and only then, remove.
Mitie and our network of suppliers and partners offer you something unique. 因为我们不经营废物处理设施或车队, you get complete commitment and independent thinking – without any conflict – to helping you prevent, 减少, 再利用和再循环.
适用于任何预算, 工作地点或行业, 在提高性能的同时也有省钱的机会. Our long list of awards and customers are proof that our approach delivers powerful outcomes.
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- 2023年10月10
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- 2023年3月8日
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- 12月14日
奖 & 认证评估
See why we’ve won awards in helping organisations of all sizes on their path to manage their waste.
- 青苹果
- 国家回收奖
- 废物回收及废物管理优秀奖
- 2023年ROSPA金奖
- ISO14001
- ISO9001
- OHSAS18001安全
- SafeContractor
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- 底盘
- 人力投资者
- 联合供应链认可登记册
- 废物智能培训已获批准(CIWM)
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